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Walla Walla Wildflower Hike: Upper Lick Creek Trail at ZigZag Springs Trailhead

  • Columbia Basin Chapter, WNPS (map)

Tuesday June 6th 10am Upper Lick Creek Trail at ZigZag Springs Trailhead

Turn off Highway 204 (Weston Mountain) on McDougall Road and drive to road’s end above Umatilla River. Walk out south facing slopes and ridge (sunny breaks) and/or past trailhead to ZigZag Springs (shady upper portion of Lick Creek Trail) as conditions allow. Spring blooms and aspen grove. 4,300’

Blue Mountains 2023 CBNPS/WW Subchapter

Bring walking stick, tick repellant, hat, mask, lunch, water and a few dollars for driver. Dress appropriately in sturdy walking shoes or boots and, depending on terrain, long pants. Guests are welcome. Unless otherwise noted, these hikes are easy to moderate elevation and leisurely in pace but involve uneven surfaces. Plant lists are available for most. General questions, concerns and corrections regarding the hikes can be directed to Darcy Dauble