Join trip leader Ernie for an Introductory Wildflower Walk to see early spring wildflowers and take in views of the Columbia River flowing through the Wallula Gap! The hike will include two stopping points along SR 730. Stop one at historic marker including ‘History of Wallula’ and the second at Twin Sisters aka Two Sisters at Wallula Gap. Flora of interest: Lomatiums, praries stars, and goldstars should be bursting!
Meeting Point:
Tri-Cities — Meet at 9:30 AM up at the north end of the Pasco Red Lion (2525 N 20TH AVE) parking lot just off Sun Willows Blvd across from HAPO credit union. From there, we’ll carpool to the trailhead.
Walla Walla Folks— Meet the group at 10 AM at the trailhead. From Walla Walla take US 12 west to Wallula Junction; then take SR 730 toward Umatillla/Hermiston. Meet at the first pull out on the left. (inlcudes a ‘History of Wallula’ sign)
What to Bring: Water, snacks, hiking poles and a camera! Closed toed shoes, long pants and layers recommended.
Hike Duration: 2.5-3 hrs walking approximately 2 miles over rocky, sandy terrain with some elevation gain.
Registration is recommended so we have an idea of how many to expect. Registration link not working? Email and include the name of the hike you’re interested in registering for.
Things to Note:
Dates and times for field trips/activities are subject to change depending on weather and access issues. We will always make an effort to contact registered participants regarding any changes.
All participants will need to fill out a WNPS Liability Release form. Folks under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent of legal guardian.
All our activities are volunteer led. As part of the Washington Native Plant Society mission, the chapter hosts field trips and programs about native flora that are open to the membership and to the public. Anyone interested in learning about the plants of the local shrub steppe and the Blue Mountains are welcome to register for field trips and join in on our activities. No special experience or knowledge required!
Interested in becoming a member of our chapter? Learn more about our mission and how to join.